I grew like her. Sometimes, I had to be seems like a little paranoid. Like her. Altought we almost same, but we still different woman with different thought. Don't ask me how many times we quarrel. We dissent in many ways. She told me about everything. About general until detail, very very detail. About this life, about experiences, about my faults and what I should do, about "maybe and if" in future(sometimes I really hate about this topic, it so scream me -__-").
All kinds that I can't tell one by one.
I never find a very very talkative woman like her. But I have to tell you that everything she told me almost true. Sometimes, it's the trutheven if it didn't happen. That's why I love her, even I have never shown this love before. She has understood, and will understand how much I love her. Forever.
i love you
*ini tulisan aku pake bahasa bule ya? hahaha acakadut pisan. Orang yang jago bahasa Inggris dilarang baca, ini tulisan orang yang masih belajar wkwkwk.