This is my first time in this month I come out home in 4 or 5 o'clock pm. Let's say WOW because traffic jam in Bandung looks like going crazy. I wanna go home from Balubur (my house located in Antapani). From Balubur to Antapani it was still approximately 4 pm. And you know what? Begin from Geology Museum, jam started and it was became worse and the worst is in Cicadas. All I think is only how to arrive home as fast as I can. I'm slipping between two or more cars, among many motorcycle or the other trasnportation and I become fierce if another rider take my way arbitrarily or they are selfish. I arrive home over 5 pm and it's my worst experience about traffic jam in Bandung. Traffic jam is usually found when I lived in Jakarta, but since I live in Bandung for almost 5 years, I never meet the worst traffic jams like this.