I know itu hard being thankful, it hard to gratitude for everything we have. It's not easy to Stop complaining about your life, especially When you were in hard situation, in difficult condition. This case Sometimes or often happened to me, honestly.
But agree or disagree, we have to realize, itu all depend on our point of view. If we focus to what we have, thats easier for us to be thankful. Bit if we too focus searching what we dont have, we would complaining again and again, for everything we dont have even we have much things in our life that not we realized. We forgot about every thing we have, then becoming the saddest person in this world and thinking How pity we are and How lucky they are. Astaghfirullah. This could be whip for me, Who always complaining about i dont have and How happy they are. :(
Remember, your life will not change Just becuase you complain.