Hello again.
I still love watching movies at this time. For this new hobby, I have to pay 3idk to syifa for every movie I get from her. Today, I paid 30idk for 10 movies wkwk.
This review beginning from Ted 2. Continuing the first part, Ted. It still tell about a teddy bear doll which van speak, can walk, can think, have a feeling like person. Ted have a best friend for long long time ago named John.
In Ted 2, Ted had married with temi, his workmate. They married like usually people do. They had a happy marriage but one day, they had a quarrel. They almost divorce. Their friend suggest them to have a baby for help their marriage from divorce and then they agreed.
Even Ted can do everything people do, he cannot have a genetic baby. So they decided to make some plan. They want to adopt a child but it couldn't because the government said Ted isn't a person so he cannot have a baby by adopted.
Ted, temi and John sued and they want Ted avowed as a person. So they have a young lawyer for free, then they defeated. Ted declared as a property, not as a person. They were asking for help with a great lawyer but he refused. They felt dissapointed. Ted sad, he stayed away from John and the young lawyer.
When Ted seperated from John, he met Donny who wanted him very much and caused Ted almost died in part 1. Donny wanted kidnapping Ted but John saved his life. John must got some medical handling. By looked how John loved Ted som much and so did Ted love John much, the great lawyer changed her mind, then he agreed to become Ted's lawyer. Finally, they won and Ted declared to be a people.
Well, happy ending movie wkwk.
Second movie i watched this week is Jupiter Ascending. I'm sorry if i can't tell you about this movie much. Honestly, i wasn't reallt enjoy this movie. Why? Because i didn't understand what the plot purpose and in my opinion, there were so much action in this movie that made me boring. Actually i love action movie, but.. mmm i don't know why i dont like this movie, so flat for me. Sometimes there were a lot of conversation that i didn't understand hehe maybe i just felt sleepy while watched this movie so i felt bored. But for some effects, i give it applouse because i was quite amazed watching it.
Third, PK. This is india movie wkwk. Actually i'm not a fan of india. India movie that i love only : Kuch kuch Hota Hai and 3 Idiots. But one day, when i didn't know what i have to do, i read an article about good movie, and one of them is PK. So I was asking Syifa to download this movie form me.
This movie told about an alien who came to the earth and he couldn't back to his planet because his remote control was stolen by someone. He didn't know all about earth, the culture, language etc. He didn't know what the earth people think. So he asked so many question about life to earth people, especially about religion. Earth people couldn't answer his questions. PK became famous. He changed people mindset. Shortly, PK succeed find his remote control. He came back to his planet after helping Jaggu (a girl that he loved in earth) founding her love.
But I think we must be careful when watching this movie, because there are some parts in this movie make us confuse, especially about religion.
Fourth, Interstellar, a science fiction movie. I bought the DVD about a few months ago. But I just watched it las Sunday hehe. So many people talked about how great this movie. So I bought this DVD. This movie told about many damages happen on earth. Rice fields, cities, all earth covered by dust. People suffered and predicted they couldn't survive. So a professor, Dr Brand from NASA made a plan to find a new planet which people can live there. The professor had a daughter who work for NASA too.
Cooper, ex NASA pilot, had a daughter named Murphy. Murphy believed there is ghost in her room. But his father didn't believe it. Cooper invited by Dr Brend to find a new planet to people in the earth live. Cooper flight with 2 others. They tried to complete their mission. Shortly, they failed to complete the mission because the mission was impossible to complete. Cooper back to earth after 124 years in earth time. He found his daughter growth older, and she almost died. His daughter was older than him, because 1 hour in outer space, it means 7 years in earth.
Watching this movie made me very supprise. I felt interest to learn about galaxy and all its objects. Very wonderfull. And when I watched this movie, my faith about Islam feel more increase. Because in Islam, we believe one years in akhirah = one thousand years in earth. MasyaAllah..
Well, there are some movies that I watched in last week. See you in review movies in next week, insyaAllah :)