Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013
Independence Day
Happy independence day my lovely country, INDONESIA.
Very proud when Indonesia had our freedom. How brave the crusaders resisted and expelled the colonialists from this country. Now Indonesia had been free for 68 years. But there is something apprehensive about this country although we already been free for 68 years. Nationalism of youth nowadays looks faded away. I don't know whats wrong but remember when I was in elementary school. There were always a lot of agenda to merry this moment, from flag ceremony until many contests like "makan kerupuk", "bakiak", Kelereng, and etc. We felt happy and we merried this historic moment. Although Indonesia have been being free, we still have many assigment. A big assigment for us is maintain Indonesia freely. It means free from all kind of pressure not only from the real colonial but also somebody reputed as colonial. It is the hardest part when we have to resist somebody or something that we didn't expect them before, right?
Kamu pikir waktu akan berhenti? Tidak. Waktu akan berjalan terus dan terus. Tidak akan pernah berhenti barang sedetik pun, kecuali kamu yang berhenti atas sang waktu.
London Card
I go to mall today for searching my sister's birthday gift-late gift actually. Because my sister birthday is August 1th and I didn't find a gift for her yet. haha-
I enter one accessorice shop then I find a vintage card there, the picture is London haha.I like the card very much. There are several London card but i choose one as my favorite. I want someone to give me the card, so I tell to my young sister. I ask her, how about to buy it, write something there before and give me the card when she give me a birthday gift hahaha. Yaa thats only a request haha but she refuse because in her opinion, that way is not suprising anymore, hmm. I ask my mother and give the same request. She almost accept my request but because my sister's instigating, she cancel it :(
Ok thats my story today. See you in next story. Byeee~
My Favorites -----> Unimportant Posting
Ini ga penting banget.
Chiki : Chitato
Cokelat : Silverqueen dark chocolate
Susu : Ultramilk rasa cokelat
Donat : Jco almond
Buah : durian
Juice : Alpokat
Koleksi : Perangko
Lauk : Udang balado buatan ibu
Biskuit : Better
Azan tv : RCTI
Iklan : Keluarga Berencana
Seleb cewe : Sherina
Seleb cowo : Naga Lyla
Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013
Thanks !
Thank you for very beautiful bag, cute belt, and sweet cake. Although without wishes in a piece of card hehehe.. Very suprised :)
Silent Gripe
I haven't name. You can call me noname. People never call me, actually. They never look at me, never talk to me, ask me, tell me or anything else. I lived alone, not in a silent island like people life alone in some films. But i live alone in a huge city, where thousands people come and go. There I am. You will never know what place I mean because I will not tell you about that. But I will tell you something. About you? What? About you? Yes. Its about you. You reading this blog now. My friends in Mecca said that they never felt alone as long as they lived, like I did. There always so many people come to them, especially in 5 times a day. I'm so envy, you know? I'm here, and nobody's care. How poor I'm :( Sometimes only a few people come but only 5 until 10 minutes, then they leave me alone. Again, again and again.
Do you know who I am?
Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013
Birthday wishes
Selamat Ulang Tahun, Latifa Dwi Rachmita !
Di usia yang ke 23 ini semoga diberikan keberkahan usia, sehat selalu, diberikan kelancaran dalam segala urusan, tercapai segala cita-cita, cepat mendapatkan pekerjaan terbaik, dinaikkan derajat keimanannya, semakin bertambahnya usia semakin bertambah pula amalan ibadahnya, semakin matang dalam berpikir, dewasa dalam bertindak, menjadi pribadi yang penuh syukur, dilapangkan rezekinya, menjadi hamba Allah yang taat, umat Rasul yang membawa manfaat bagi agama, keluarga, saudara dan negara, bahagia dan sukses selalu dunia dan akhirat. Aamiin, aamiin yaa Robbal 'alaamiin.
Senin, 26 Agustus 2013
Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013
Melayang jauh, anganku terbang melayang
Terbuai lunglai bersama dinginnya malam
Terbuai lunglai bersama dinginnya malam
Biarkan aku dan semua mimpiku
Melayang jauh seperti yang ku mau
Biarkan saja semua ini terjadi
Akan ku ciptakan berlian, berlian
Melayang jauh seperti yang ku mau
Biarkan saja semua ini terjadi
Akan ku ciptakan berlian, berlian
Haruskah aku berlari mengejar semua mimpi
Lorong hidupku telah sepi, tak akan aku sesali
Lorong hidupku telah sepi, tak akan aku sesali
Biarkan aku dan semua mimpiku
Melayang jauh seperti yang ku mau
Biarkan saja semua ini terjadi
Akan ku ciptakan berlian, berlian
Akan ku ciptakan berlian
Melayang jauh seperti yang ku mau
Biarkan saja semua ini terjadi
Akan ku ciptakan berlian, berlian
Akan ku ciptakan berlian
-Berlian. Citra Scholastika-
Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013
When I was waiting an interview
I'm fond off travelling. I want to visit many places not only in Indonesia, but also outside Indonesia. There are some places that I want to visit the most. As you know, those places are Mecca, London and Singapore. Meanwhile, places in Indonesia I want to visit many more that I can't tell you here one by one. How love I visit another country, but I still love Indonesia as my travelling destination. As we known before that Indonesia has so many beautiful places, from beaches, mountains, valleys, until palce which full of history like museums and the others. I'm very proud to be one of Indonesian's citizen. Besides there are many beautiful places, we can also find some delicious food and drink. Ya, Indonesia is one place of heaven for culinary lovers. Every places in Indonesia has special culinary. For example, Bandung with surabi, Padang with Satay Padang, Jakarta with Soto betawi and many more. If I had 100 years old for live, I wouldn't have to go to all places in Indonesia and taste all their food. Therefore, I wanna visit many places in Indonesia as long as I can. I wanna taste their culinary as long as its halal for me to eat. What about you?
*I had written this blog when I was waiting an interview.
Rabu, 07 Agustus 2013
A Broken Friendship
I really hate when this would be a broken friendship. Because find a friend is difficult, make a friend is more difficult and maintain a friend is the most difficult.
Sungguh aku tidak pernah membencimu, apalagi menyimpan dendam padamu. Jika saat itu aku berkata sedikit keras, aku mengakuinya sebagai suatu kemarahan, tapi itu hanyalah caraku untuk mengungkapkan rasa kecewa. Mungkin kamu tidak berkenan, tapi percayalah itu hanya sementara. Sampai kapanpun, aku tetap menganggapmu sebagai temanku, tidak ada niatan sedikit pun untuk memutuskan tali silaturahmi ini. Namun jika kamu yang melakuan itu, aku tidak akan memaksamu untuk kembali berteman denganku seperti dulu, mungkin itu sulit bagimu. Di penghujung Ramadhan tahun ini, aku hanya ingin meminta maaf. Semoga kejadian ini tidak menjadi penghalang bagi kita untuk meraih keridhoan Allah. Jika kamu mau, kita bisa berjalan masing-masing. Semoga Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa kita. aamiin.
Rotating Life
I do believe life is rotating. All thinngs in this world is rotating. Include life. Sometimes, somehow, we feel happy until we can't feel anything because a huge euphoria., but sometimes, somehow, we sad almost long day until we feel numb. Sometimes we smile, we sullen, we laugh, we cry, feel calm, feel busy, loved, to be loved, feeling like, feeling hate.
That's a rotating life.
That's a rotating life.
Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013
MotivArtist ----> Marshanda
It must be written in 20th July, 2013. It's no problem, right? Better late than never hahaha*ngeless.
Today I'm going to seminar, call it Inspirasi Muda Mulia. Ica, my kindergarten mate suggested me to join it. Honestly, my first reason I attended this seminar just because with pay 50 idk for ticket, they will give Wardah products at the same price 50 idk and free tajil (3 kurmas, bread and mineral water) plus "celengan". It means I will get free for seminar hahaha.
Well, I go to seminar with Ica and my sister, Kak Anis. It's wondefully good. I learned about many things. About life, about how to be grateful, how to change my view about this life, looking our life from all views, about dream, about our destiny, about praying and how Allah was and always loves us and accepts/ grants our pray.
I was very excited when Marshanda came and she told us about her life before. She was very suppressed when her friends bullied her. She did'nt find love in home, she losed love from her parent who always contend everyday. Until she thinked, that she doesn't deserve to be loved anymore. Of course that's very painful especially for elementary student like her. She didn't feel comfort, not only in home, but also in school and in her carier. That was bring too much traumatic condition in her life until she realized that she never could accept her parent's decision for separated until 20 years old. Because a lot of pressures beside her, she need to make sure that all things be normal. There were many problems in her past that make her be moody sometimes, feeling sad somehow. She called it unfinished bussiness and since she realized her problems, she decided to healed herself. She needed around 4 months to fight herself with all the problems around her. It wasn't simple process, but a complicated process. One side in herself wants to be normal, and one side in herself againts for that. She was fighting hard. She made videos and posted in youtube (remember about this?). All people said he was going crazy 4 years agobecause the videos. In videos, she cried, she shouted, she sang etc. People said she was stressed, and that's true. But she believe, when people think the time that she upload some videos in youtube is the worst time in her life, she believe that was the breavest part in her life ever. She successed to pull down all the trouble and she solved her problems well. And now, she become more and more wise to face problems, she become closer to Allah, and she become the first motivartist in Indonesia. I'm very amazed to hear her story. Very touching. I almost cry when I watch the video and along she told us, but I don't. Many people in seminar cried.
There are 3 big things I get from her story :
1. Love is not an adjective, but an action.
2. People life, people have some problems. There is no life without problems. If there's no problem, it means people die. I learned how brave Marshanda when she facing her problems. When she solve the problems, she become a true winner, and without the problems, maybe she will not be a wise person like now, maybe she will not be a motivartist like now, maybe she will not standing in front of us now to tell some motivation, and the important thing : maybe she will not become closer with Allah now. Subhanallah.
3. To face the problems, we need no pass from failure to hikmah. From failure, there is a process to make peace with ourselves first, we have to accept ourselves with all conditions, with all things we have. In process, we have to fight, we have to be strong to fight with patient. Like Marshanda, she finished all her unfinished bussiness. And then, after pass the storm, she find hikmah from all the failures and from the processes she has done. And the most important, she said that now is the happiest part of her life.
Thanks for a very very inspiring story today. Very touching, Caca. Keep motivating, keep happy. Hope we will be better people from time to time.
*I think, I be your fans now hehehe.
*I think, I be your fans now hehehe.
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