Rabu, 10 Agustus 2016

Suatu Hari di Kantor

Tiap pagi ngantuk gini di kantor. Nguap mulu. Rata-rata jam tidur aku jam 12 malem, mau dipercepat, kadang suka adaaa aja yang dipikirin. Akhirnya ga tidur-tidur. Kalo udah saking ngantuknya di kantor, kadang bisa sampe nundutan.

Ini baru jam 8.12 dan aku sudah melihat jam dua kali. Hmm dibanding kemaren-kemaren sih , hari ini rada mendingan.  Biasanya aku bisa lihat jam 15 menit sekali saking bosannya !

Hari ini ob yang bersih-bersih di ruangan office ganti. Biasanya Agung, sekarang Bu Aisyah. Tadinya Bu Aisyah di toilet, dan Agung sekarang gatau dipindah kemana. Di kantor lagi ada rolling buat OB. Ada yang nerima, ada yang protes. Katanya sih, dulu rolling seperti ini sering dilakukan. Tapi udah lama ga berjalan, jadi OB udah nyaman kali ya sama tempatnya yang terakhir. Begitu sekarang ada rolling, jadi kaget.

Oh iya, kabar lainnya mulai hari ini Ika ga di kantor ini lagi. Dia dipindahtugaskan ke taman sari. Agak beda juga kalo buka pintu personalia, biasanya ada Ika di depan pintu, sekarang mejanya kosong. Ga ada yang nemenin aku numpang makan lagi deh, sama solat hehekk. By the way, baik baik di taman sari Ika :’)

Cerita lainnya hari ini adalah : aku laper banget. Padahal ini masih jam 10 pagi. Akhirnya karena ga tahan, aku beli cilok di temen kantor. Ya ampun padahal udah berjanji untuk lebih hemat. Suka sedih kalo gagal hemat hahaha.

Akhir-akhir ini di ruangan aku bau kaki. Awalnya itu bau sepatuku, tapi aku kan ga bau kaki L untuk lebih memastikan aku sampe cium sepatu dan kaki aku sendiri. Tapi ternyata ga bau. Jadi kemungkinannya cuma dua, bu mur atau the sesil. Setelah aku selidiki aku tau orangnya. Attu lah aku pusing banget.. gimana nih? L

Eh tapi siang ini terjadi hal yang mengejutkan. Jadi kan aku habis solat ashar. Ternyata sepatu aku juga bau hiks. Aduh aku harus gimana nih?? gawat. Sebenarnya aku udah feeling not good waktu tau kalo disini setiap hari pake sepatu seragam, which is sepatunya itu model kayak kets yang tertutup banget. Hmm tau sepatu wakai? Yaa modelnya kayak gitu lah, meski bukan merk wakai heheh.

Bayangin aja, setiap hari pake sepatu tertutup gitu kan, lama-lama bisa bau L apalagi aku termasuk males solat zuhur dan asar di mesjid kantor, tapi senengnya solat di ruangan. Otomatis aku harus wudhu di kamar mandi dan sepatunya pasti jadi basah. Tapi akhirnya aku menemukan cara agar sepatuku tidak berbau yaitu dengan melepas sepatu ketika duduk di meja, dan kadang aku masukin kopi serbuk di dalamnya. Eitss maksudku bukan kopi langsung ditaro ke dalam sepatu loh yaa. Tapi serbuk kopi ditaro dulu di tissue atau kertas, baru deh taro di sepatu hehe. selamat mencoba, mari kita berjuang menghilangkan bau-bau pada kaki *wkwkwk.



Sejauh ini, Alhamdulillah aku selalu ditempatkan di pekerjaan yang menuntut aku banyak belajar. Mungkin Allah tidak ingin aku berhenti belajar. Semakin aku belajar, semakin aku sadar bahwa tidak banyak yang aku ketahui di dunia ini.


No tittle

Aku tidak sebaik yang mereka pikirkan, tapi aku juga tidak seburuk yang kamu kira.



Big Eyes
This movie based on true event. In 1950’s (I forget exactly), Margareth  ran away from his husband. She didn’t bring many things, only a car, some clothes and her child, Janie. They went to San Fransisco and built a new life there. Margareth loves painting. She always paint child/children with big eyes. For continue her life with one child, Margareth became a painter in street. She met a man named Keane, who said that he was a artist too. He told that he loved painting like Margareth. After 2 times of dated, they married.

After married, Keane always asked her to paint child with bigh eyes. He lied with everyone, he told to everyone that he painted it. Margareth did it because Keane forced her. Nobody’s know the truth, even her daughter, Janie. Since Margareth (Maggy) worked, Janie forbid to enter the work room. It made Maggy felt guilty because she can’t stay close with her.

Time flies, it happened until 10 years. Then one day, Maggy found the truth that actually her husband (Keane) never be a painter, he never paint anything and what he said about he had lived in France for art school, all he said were lie. Maggy was very disspointed. She really want people know her as a big eyes painter, but because of Keane, she sacrifice.

Her dissapontment make she wanted to divorce with Keane and she brought this problem to court. Keane was very expert lying. He lied about everything. He never study in France and actually he wasn’t a painter, he can’t paint anything.

After 10 years later, Maggy sue Keane about the big eyes painting. And finally she won it, and everyone know about the truth. Maggy became a famous painter and got many appreciate from people.
From this movie, we can learn one thing : there are always a lot of lie after one lie.

A Man From Nowhere
This tell about drug trafficking happened in Korea by Chinesse people. A pawnee name Cha Taek Sik, worked as a pawnee in an old house. He never make a social life with other people and he always quite along days. He has a neighbor, a bitch with her daughter (So Min). So Min often goes to Cha Taek Sik’s house. Because of that, their relationship become closer. But he doesn’t want to show it. He doesn’t want to look that he is care.

One day, Cha Taek Sin did a mistake. So Min was caught because she stole a man’s bag. she  said that Cha Taek is her father but Cha Taek run away. So Min feel sad and she cry. Cha Taek felt guilty es to Cha Taek Sik’s house. Because of that, their relationship become closer. But he doesn’t want to show it. He doesn’t want to look that he is care.

So min’s mother stole drugs. She caught and killed by a gangster from China. Cha Taek  try to save So Min’s life. He against the gangster alone, without any help. Police tought that he is one of a gangster member, but they are wrong. Actually So Min is one of a great military, but because of bad experience, he stop being a military. Watching this movie will make you creeping. There are so many violence scene in this movie. So stay away your kids from it. Hehe..
Ant Man
Many years ago, Pym, a professor found a new invention, a costume which everyone wear it, they can be tiny line an ant. He built a company, Shield. But when they realized that his formula is very danger, he forced by his daughter, Hope and his workmate, Darren to out from Shield.

In other life, there is an expert robber, Lang who just out from prison because his criminal. The he meet his daughter who live with her mother and his fiancé. By looking his skill, Lang chosen by Pym to save the formula from Darren. Will Lang success to save the formula? Just watch it hehe. This movie released in Indonesia in 2016 and attract people to watch it. And this movie get good rating for imdb.



Before Ramadhan, I started to search good movies, except horror hehe. So I found this movie. Zootopia. It’s about animal’s life. Zootopia is a name of place, where animal from many species live together. There was a rabbit, Judy, who want to be a corp. when she told about it, many people (animals) laugh her. They told Judy can’t be a corp because she has small body and there is no rabbit can be a corp. Almost rabbit will be a carrot farmer. But Judy can be a corp. As she growing up, she become a part of corp. But her leader always give her a job become a parking officer, she assigned to check everyone who park their vehicle in street above 2 hours. Judy very wanted to get another task

One day, there was a young lady came into police station. Her husband was disappeared and he didn’t come home for several days. Another police refused to finding him, but Judy said she can find him. Her leader gave her 48 hours to find him. So with Nick, a fox, they can find him.

By they finding, there was a mistery revealed. A wild animal can be dangerous, even they had lived together savely in zootopia with other animals. This made Nick angry with Judy. Because Nick tought Judy was trust him before.

It turns out, the problem wasn’t solved. Judy found a fact about the wild animal. They became wild not because they were wild animal. But it because they framed by givernor to eat a dangerous leaf that can made them wild. Not only wild animal, but tame animal also can be a wild animal if they eat the leaves.

Judy said sorry to Nick then they tried to reveal this case. With good teamwork, finally they can finished this case. At the end, Judy be trusted to do another job (not to be a parking officer anymore) and Nick be appointed to be a new corps.

This movie teach us to don’t worry dreaming and don’t worry to make dreams come true. Judy is only a small dan weak animal. There is no rabbit can be a corps before and Judy can be the first. So guys, don’t worry to make a dream ya!
Hotel Transylvania
This movie was booming many years ago and many tv has served this movie since several years before. But I never watch it yet. Until my sister asked me to copy this movie from office computer, so I felt interest to watch it.

Mavis, a little Dracula lived with her father, Drac without mother. Because her mother was killed by people. Since death of her wife, Drac take care of his daughter carefully, he keep her from human because he think human are dangerous. He built a hotel, named hotel Transylvania, which is only for ghosts and mosters. Human is forbidden come to the hotel.

One day, there’s Jhonny, a boy (human) come to the hotel. He is kind and he meet Mavis, then they falling in love each other.

Hotel Transylvania 2
Mavis and Jhonny finally got married. They have a kid. Drac feel interest and hope that he is a Dracula to, not a human. While Mavis want him to be a normal human, not a Dracula. Mavis plans about moving to human’s world. She is afraid about growth and development of her kid. This movie told about struggle between Mavis and Drac for it. Just watch, I have no idea what to tell ehehe..
