Senin, 27 Juni 2016


Harus percaya, kalo rezeki ga akan kemana-mana.


Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Antara Dilan 1990 dan Dilan 1991

DILAN 1990
Akhirnya aku udah baca novelnya Pidi Baiq yang judulnya Dilan. Hmm kata aku sih biasa aja ya hehe maaf Om Pidi. Gembar gembor yang aku dengar sebelum baca, membuat aku punya ekspektasi yang tinggi terhadap novel ini. Aku akui novel ini memang bagus, tapi tidak se wah yang aku bayangkan hehe. Sepertinya, siapapun yang membaca novel ini akan jatuh cinta pada Dilan, tokoh utama pria yang diceritakan oleh Milea selaku pemeran utama disini. Sosok Dilan digambarkan nyaris sempurna. Dia baik, romantis dengan caranya, sangat melindungi Milea dan pintar, meski masuk anggota geng motor.  Kata-kata yang dikeluarkan Dilan pun sangat menggugah hati. Tapi kemudian kebanyakan orang, termasuk saya, mulai berpikir, adakah lelaki seperti ini di dunia nyata? Membaca novel Dilan seperti menonton drama Korea, dimana sang lelaki digambarkan sangat sempurna. Dan hmm aku tidak suka Milea dalam cerita ini, karena menurutku terlalu agresif (habis ini aku dilabrak para pencinta novel Dilan nih kayaknya hehe). Dan saat membaca novel ini, aku berpikir.. cerita ini terjadi di tahun 1990 (tahun kelahiranku, tepatnya 26 tahun yang lalu). Yang aku pikirkan adalah apakah pada jaman itu, anak SMA sudah se-berani itu dalam menunjukkan rasa cinta? Maksudku yang kutau, orang jaman dulu yang namanya ngobrol sama lawan jenis yang disuka aja malu-malu. Apakah ada yang seperti Dilan dan Milea dalam menunjukkan rasa cinta?Gapapa ya aku beranggapan seperti ini? Tulisan aku ini memang subjektif sekali tampaknya hehe.. tapi secara garis besar, aku suka ko novel ini. Gaya penulisan Pidi Baiq yang aku rasa agak aneh, apalagi pas di awal-awal, tapi makin lama seru ko. Apalagi aku emang salah satu penggemar quote-quote nya Pidi Baiq, karena bahasanya yang sederhana tapi maknanya dalem dan punya ciri khas sendiri. Satu lagi yang aku suka dari novel ini adalah banyak gambarnya. Jadi kita seakan-akan membayangkan kehidupan Milea dan Dilan secara lebih nyata.
DILAN 1991
Banyak yang bilang, jika sudah membaca Dilan 1990, maka akan merasa bosan dengan Dilan 1991. Intinya banyak yang lebih suka Dilan 1990. Tapi aku sebaliknya. Aku merasa Dilan 1991 lebih rame dari Dilan 1990. Karena aku merasa lebih banyak konflik yang ada di buku lanjutan Dilan ini. Jika di Dilan 1990 hanya menceritakan bagaimana Dilan merebut hati Milea (dan berhasil kemudian mereka berbahagia), maka di Dilan 1991 ini lain. Di Dilan 1990, konflik yang aku rasa sedikit greget hanya pada saat Beni melabrak Milea. Itu saja. Konflik yang lain rasanya hanya sebagai bumbu penyedap cerita cinta mereka yang ga ada apa-apanya. Tapi di Dilan 1991, ada hal-hal lain di luar kisah cinta romantis mereka berdua.

Di buku Dilan 1991 ini, awalnya membosankan, menceritakan antara Dilan dan Milea. Kemudian banyak hal mengejutkan yang terjadi seperti Dilan terlibat perkelahian, Dilan dipenjara, temannya meninggal sampai akhirnya Dilan dan Milea putus. Mereka berdua melanjutkan hidup masing-masing.

Saat membaca novel yang pertama, bahkan saat sedang membaca yang kedua, aku sama sekali tidak pernah menyangka bahwa pada akhirnya mereka akan putus, apalagi dengan cara seperti itu. Jalan ceritanya sungguh tidak tertebak. Sebenarnya aku sudah mengira bahwa pada akhirnya Milea dan Dilan tidak bersama, tapi aku pikir tidak seperti itu jalannya.

Pada akhirnya aku mulai paham mengapa novel ini booming sekali. Pidi baiq mampu membuat seakan-akan cerita ini adalah kisah nyata. Sampai sekarang, aku masih berpikir, kira-kira Dilan sekarang hidupnya gimana yaa? Aku betul-betul berpikir kalau ini adalah kisah nyata haha (meski aku tidak tau ini kisahnyata apa bukan). Maksudku seakan-akan ini adalah kisah nyata yang dialami pidi baiq, tapi ga mungkin karena pidi baiq adalah laki-laki dan tokoh utama dalam cerita adalah perempuan.

Cerita ini sebenarnya sederhana dan ringan, tapi pidi baiq mampu mengemasnya menjadi sebuah tulisan yang “ngena”, karena sebenarnya yang dituliskannya itu sudah sering terjadi di kehidupan nyata. Ditambah lagi lokasinya di kota bandung, kota dimana aku tinggal sekarang. Harus kuakui, bandung itu setiap sudutnya seakan bercerita, tiap sudutnya memiliki makna.


Rabu, 22 Juni 2016


This is a horror movie. When I met workmate who loved to download many movies, I gave him some lists of movie that I want to watch. Only in 2 days, I got almost all the movies I want. Haha. Thank you Pak Suryo!

This movie told like horror movie as usual. A family moved  into a new house. They didn’t know history of that house which is graves in that location.

Since they moved into that house, there were many things happened. Maddy, the youngest child in their family had experience. The poltergeist tried to get Maddy to lead them into the light. If it happen, Maddy would never come back.

Their family asked paranormal to help, they want to make Maddy coming back. And finally, Maddy save. They moved into a new house, but now they more selective choosing a house come back.

The Other Side of the Door
Actually this is western movie but setting in India. I loved a movie setting in other country. Because I can see the other country around the world and I loved to see their cultures. Hehe.
I expected this is a kind f thriller movie, before I watch it. But when watching this movie, I realize that this isn’t a thriller movie, but a horror one.

There was a mother (Maria) loosing her son. She is a American, but she and her husband  decided to live in India and they made a family there. Several years ago, her son died because stuck in a car when flooding. She felt guilty for didn’t help him from flooding.

She learns a ritual which will bring her son back to say sorry and goodbye. She unload his grave and burn it, then she bring the dust in a Hindu temple. People said not to open the door whatever will happen, but she break the rule. She open the door, which dividing human world from spirit world. After that, there are many strange things happen.

Oliver (his son) come to their house and bother their life. He hurt his sister and kill their maid. Because Maria didn’t want to burn all Oliver’s stuff (to cast out him, because actually he is not the real Oliver).

Tomie : Unlimited
This movie is soooo weird and I don’t like it. Im sorry I’ve to tell it, this movie is disgusting L I was become interesting to this movie because in one website, this is Japan movie and I tought this is a good movie, because Japanesse horror movie is good usually. I like Japanesse horroe movie like The Eye, Ju-On etc. But this movie is bad. I only watched it until 18 minutes. Then I read some reviews from other people who had watched this movie and you know what? They are same like me, don’t like this movie because there so much weird things, like : there is a woman who life after die, then die, then life again, die again and then life again. It’s weird, right? There are so much blood in this movie, and some scene about mutilation. Hueekk. I’m not recommend this movie for you.


Selasa, 21 Juni 2016


Long time i didn’t write review movies. So today, I will review some movies that I had watched.

One day, Dila and me stayed in Bandung while my mother, my father and Kak Anis were in Depok. We didn’t know what we had to do. Suddenly Dila said that she wanted to watch horror movie. Because I had no idea about what movie we could wacth, then Dila said how about Krampus. She watched the trailer in XXI a few days ago and she thought Krampus was good. So we went to dvd room near of our house.

How about this movie? Hmm I think this movie is standar, if I make a rating, I give point 5/5 hehe. Dila said this isn’t movie she wanted to watch hmmm. We choosed a wrong one wkwk. There are Krampus the old one and the new one. And the real movie she wanted to watch is the new one hehe.

Krampus. It’s about a monster that pnly appear in christmast. There’s a little grl (I forget her name). She lived with her mother. But she didn’t like her mother. Everybody who the girl doesn’t like would be killed by the monster. This monster’s called Krampus. The monster killed everybody who hated b the girl, include her mother, her father’s friend, her teacher. I really forget about the end. Maybe because in my opinion there’s no special thing in this movie, so I forget it fast. Hehe.

Secretly, Greatly 
There're three agents of North Korea lived in South Korea. They masquarades as an idiot, rocker player wanna be and a student. They have to be a spionase. After a long time lived in South Korea, they confused what they have to do. They just waited and waited for another mission but it didn’t come. So they lived as South Korean people, made a friends with citizen and built their own life their but they never forgot their mission there.

Suddenly there’s a instruction that all agent in South Korean must be killed. It because to save their secret. The three agents didn’t want to be killed. They tried to fight together. But in the end, all of them died in their own ways. They died by helping each other.

This is laras’s. First time I saw the cover, in my opinion this was a kind of comedy film –or comedy romantic-. But in fact, it’s not like that. This is a horror one, horror comedy film.

There were 7 students who wanted to go to pukhet islan after exam. So they went to phuket by bus. One of their friend warned them to not come near the beach, because there was tsunami. They didn’t believe him.

Instead of played in beach, they lost in a forest. The sky became dark, so they set up the tent. But there were a storm and rain. They tried to find a place to shelter from heavy rain. Finnaly they found an old house, then slept there.

When they woke up, they found so many oddities in that house. There were so many corpses, then the corpses suddenly became zombies and tried to catch them. The corpses were died by tsunami. Luckily, 7 students were saved from zombies. They stranded in coast. I tought this was the end of story. But I wrong. When they just woke up from fainting, tsunami came. Tsunami dragged them, but their life saved. But there’s one of them had paralysis because of tsunami. He couldn’t walking or speaking normally again.

Even there were always comedies in every scene, but in the end of story, it was very sad. This movie told us that we can never know what will happen in the future, even one second from now. We also have to save our earth, because Allah had give all the facilities for our life, sky, water, air, fruits, vegetables, fish etc. Our task is just to save our earth, because if we didn’t do it, earth can be dangerous. Thanks you hey Thailand movie, you make me realize how precious it all.



Mengucapkan "alhamdulillah" adalah salah satu cara kita untuk bersyukur. Kadang ketika hati ini tidak puas dan pikiran sibuk dengan banyak komplen, mengucapkan alhamdulillah bisa menjadi salah satu cara untuk mengingat atas hidup kita nikmat Allah itu banyak sekali.


Should you just be yourself, or not?

I was sitting in my office listening to a very frustrated patient discuss why she hated dating—“I’m just so sick of it,” she said, “the fakeness, the games, the BS,I just want to be myself.”  I nodded at the sentiment, I had heard it many times before, “and who are you?” I asked.  She looked at me with an totally blank stare.

What most people mean when they say they want to be themselves is that they want to be relaxed and comfortable, authentic, free to express themselves, and they dont's want to be worried about being judged for doing it. But being yourself sn't as simple as it seems because you do't have one self, there are multiple versions of who you are. there is the self you are at work, the self you are with your best friends, the self you are with your family, the self you are with total strangers. there is your irritable self, your calm self, your social self, your kind slf, your selfish self, and your best self. sometimes you like yourself and sometimes you don't. We are ever changing beings.

Having a self that adapts to different situations is a highly desirable characteristic that demonstrates what psychologists refer to as EQ (emotional quotient) AKA socialintelligence. Having good social intelligence reflects having knowledge of your own power to decide which self you want to be in any given situation. social intelligence reflects having knowledge of your own power to decide which self you want to be in any given situation.

If a friend tries to make you laugh by telling you a joke that isn't funny, you could be your truthful self and say it wasn't funny, which might hurt your friend's feelings, or you could be your sensitive caring self who smiles because you want to make your friend feel good.

What is important to know is whether the self you are being at any given moment is a self that you like and/or whether that self is helping you achieve your goals and the things you want in life. Being your sarcastic self with your friends might make them laugh, but it probably won't land you the job you are interviewing for. Yelling at a co-worker who makes a mistake might be a way to release your authentic anger in the moment but it won't gain his/her cooperation or motivation to help you in the future.

So how do you reconcile the desire to “be yourself” with situations where you are feeling unable to be authentic?

Recognize that you don’t just have one self. You have choices about which self to be, and being adaptable is a good trait that reflects intelligence and awareness about the effect you have on other people and your potential to influence situations.  Just because you hold back expressing certain thoughts or behaving in certain ways doesn’t mean you aren’t being yourself, it means you are being an aware version of yourself that knows when certain self-expression is appropriate and when it isn’t. You can still respect your desire for self-expression of certain aspects of your personality by finding appropriate outlets. If you have an aggressive streak, then take up a boxing class, or play paint ball, don’t run people off the road. Learning how to express the diverse aspects of who you are as a person can be one of the greatest joys of life and an essential part of maintaining your emotional well-being. On the other hand, learning how to express yourself in a socially intelligent way is critical to your success in life and will be greatly appreciated by those around you.

1. Goleman, Daniel. 2006. Social Intellegence : The New Science of Human Relationships. Macmillan, New York.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

A Writing by Deborah Goodman

  • There's always a rush of emotions when you start dating someone new. It's exciting to find someone you feel a connection with and enjoy spending time with, but there is a lot of worry and uncertainty that comes with new relationships as well. For the first few weeks or months of a relationship, both you and your man are on your best behavior, usually only seeing the best versions of each other. While valuable lessons can be learned from dating people of various personality types, ending a relationship as soon as you know it shouldn't go anywhere can save a lot of heartache. Here are some signs that the man you are dating might not be right for you :
  • 1. You don't like who he becomes when he gets stressed out

    When I was dating my husband, we got a flat tire while driving one night. I was pleasantly surprised to see the patience he displayed. He laughed at the predicament. Through the years since that night, neither of us has always shown such good humor when trying times have come. But, more often than not, we have realized that life is easier to handle when viewed from a more positive angle. Having a man in your life who is able to give you that positivity is valuable. We all feel the pressures and anxieties from work, school, family and health issues. Consider how the new man in your life manages these acute stressors. Now, times that by five.This will give you a fairly accurate picture of how he might manage stress after marriage and children. If you don't like what you imagine, consider leaving the relationship. Yes, people can grow and change, but in case your man doesn't, make sure you're okay with his natural response to stress.
  • 2. You find yourself not always wanting to be around him

    When you are dating someone who is really special to you, you naturally want to spend as much time as possible with him. A friend once told me that he realized his wife-to-be was the right woman for him when he spent a weekend at his parent's house with her and never got tired of being with her. Try spending an extended period of time with your boyfriend, and if you find yourself getting easily annoyed with him or needing a break from him, this could be a red flag.
  • 3. You don't have the same values

    Marrying someone of the same faith makes sense for many reasons, though it is possible for couples of differing religions to have good marriages as long as they share the same set of core, intrinsic values. While having long discussions about his beliefs is important, it isn't enough. You must see those beliefs in action as much as possible. If you, for instance, have certain beliefs about raising children, be sure to schedule some time where the two of you can be around and take care of friends' or family's children. Talk to your boyfriend about how he was raised and see if you are on the same page with discipline, rewards and family rules.
  • 4. You cry more than you laugh

    My husband and I had our first conversation at an ice cream parlor where we were celebrating my roommate's birthday. While talking with him, I quickly realized that he had a knack for making me feel at ease. He also made me laugh—a lot. His ability to make me laugh is still one of my favorite things about him! The dating life is not easy. It is fraught with apprehension and uncertainty, and tears naturally fit those emotions. However, if there is so much drama that you find yourself crying more than you are smiling, your relationship could be the problem. Examine how you feel when you are around your boyfriend and when you are apart. If you realize you are generally less happy than you were before you started dating, it may be best to break things off.
  • 5. He doesn't make you want to be better

    The man you are dating isn't perfect. You aren't perfect. But the direction you are heading is worth examining. Sure, we all have bad days and lazy moments. We all make mistakes with money, at work and in our relationships. If the general pattern of this man's life seems to be progressing toward a better version of himself, consider staying in the relationship. If you notice that he's not attempting to improve himself spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially, it is possible you could be in for a life of future disappointment. He may be fun now, but having fun with him is only one part of a happy life. Being serious about important matters will allow your fun and joy to continue for a lifetime.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2016

Iga Bakar Mas Giri – Halal MUI

Ini adalah restoran favorit keluargaku sejak kami pertama kali kesini. Di meja ini ada selebaran yang bertuliskan sejarah singkat iga bakar mas giri. Ternyata iga bakar ini awalnya berasal dari medan (aku  ko ga pernah denger yaa ada iga bakar mas giri selama aku tinggal di medan? Hehe).

Lokasi iga bakar mas giri ada di jalan riau, tepat di sebrang taman pramuka. Jadi cukup strategis. Dari segi tempat, iga bakar ini memakai rumah yang telah dirombak sedemikian rupa menjadi tempat makan. Tempat ini bisa dibilang selalu ramai pengunjung, tapi sayang area parkirnya sempit banget. Hanya muat menampung beberapa mobil aja. Di dalam restoran sendiri juga tidak bisa menampung terlalu banyak tamu karena tempatnya yang terbatas. Tapi meskipun tempatnya terbatas, tapi orang yang datang kesini ga berhenti-berhenti.

Menu andalan di restoran ini tentu saja sesuai namanya, yaitu Iga Bakar. Asli iga bakarnya enak banget. Disini ada menu paketan dan ada menu terpisah. Kalo untuk paketan iga bakar, nasi dan teh manis dibandrol dengan harga 36rb (untuk porsi regular) dan 40rb an untuk porsi double alias besaar hehe. Untuk paket iga bakar regular ini, kalo udah malem suka habis, jadi tinggal yang double. Kalo paket lainnya itu ada ayam penyet dan lain-lain , itu udah termasuk nasi dan minum teh manis.

Menu andalan yang aku suka pesen adalah iga bakar. Iga bakar disini tuh enaak banget, disajikan di hot plate dan disajikan bersama semangkuk kuah kayak kuah sop gitu. terus ada sambelnya yang pedes juga. Aku rasa kuah sop itu selain menambah kesegaran, juga bisa menjadi penetral kalo sambalnya dirasa kepedesan hehe. Nah, kalo ibu dan ayah sukaaa banget sama oseng iga-nya. Asli oseng iganya enak banget, pedes dan seger banget banget. Singkat kata : enak pake banget hehe. Dulu pertama kali kesini, oseng iga bakarnya lebih pedas dan lebih segar lagi, jadi lebih enak. Kalo sekarang udah ga terlalu pedas (mungkin karena harga cabe makin mahal zzz), meskipun masih seger dan enak sih. Paling kita bilang sama mas nya kalo kita mau pedes banget hehe.

Hampir semua menu udah pernah kami coba disini, saking seringnya kesini hehe. Kalo ada yang ulang tahun, atau ibu habis dapet arisan, pasti ngajaknya kalo ga ke bebek slamet yaa kesini deh hehe. Anehnya berkali-kali kesini, kami ga pernah bosen.

Berbagai menu lain yang dijual disini adalah spaghetti iga, steak iga (ini enaak), sate iga, tongseng iga, sop iga (ini enaakk juga). Terus untuk cemilannya ada tahu, risol iga dll (semuanya enak, attulah aku jadi lapeeer!). minumannya? Standar sih, ada aneka juice, aneka teh dan ada bandrek dll gitu.

Pokoknya menuruku ini recommended banget! Bakalan ketagihan kalo kesini. Seperti review aku yang lain, disini juga udah dapet sertifikat halal MUI nya. Jadi jangan khawatir untuk makan aneka daging yang ada disini hehe.
 tumis iga cabe hijau favoritenya ibu. pedes seger !
 iga bakar mas giri, favorite aku dan paling recommended disini.

sup iga seger bangetzzz
Iga Bakar Mas Giri
Jalan RE. Martadinata No. 118 Bandung (sebrang taman pramuka)
Harga : 35rb s/d 50rb (makanan berat), 5rb s/d 10rb (cemilan), 5rb s/d 25rb an (minuman)
Jam Operasional 10.00 s/d 22.30 WIB

Note : Semua gambar bersumber dari google ya :)