Senin, 22 Juli 2013

Very Inspiring. Check this out !

*click twice to watch this video full screen*



Sometimes you don't get what you want,
not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve so much more.



So damn.
I feel become a laziest woman in this world if I still be employement like this. Oh God, please help me to find a job :(
Sometimes I really have no idea about what can I do, because I think I had try all the best I can do. But why it still the same. My routines only watching, reading novel, searching job vacancies, sleeping, eating (of course Im kidding because it's Ramadhan and I'm fasting haha). And all day I waste my time with that kind of activities. No productive activity, of course no money too hahaha -____-"
Very bored.
Maybe I've to find some challange actvities even if in home.


Be Patient, Please.

Padalarang - Cianjur was very crowded. After exited Pasteur toll, we arrived in Padalarang and we wanted to go to Puncak via Cianjur. How poor we are, because we didn't know it turns out there was roadwork. We had to pass the way alternately. It caused we have to wait for long time.Normally, Padalarang - Cianjur only need approximately one hour, but now we still here, were waiting for more than three hours. It's crazy ! -___-"

This congestion was compounded with other riders who didn't want to queue patiently. Made it worse. Why people didn't be patient? In this situation, when there was a roadwork and the way was crowded, why they didn't wait and queue? Some of them made this situation more and more terrible.All of us wanted to reach our destination on time, as fast as we can. So, be patient please, don't disserve other people with you selfishness :(
